
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Football For Juan

 Photo from Getty Images
Unless you've been living under a rock or simply living in the Philippines, a day ago, Spain won the FIFA World Cup Finals 2010. Their win lead to some discussions of whether Football is a sport for Juan or not. First thought that popped into my head when I read this article was, "Are you kidding me? Football is the game for Filipinos!". While some of his points, I can take, like the need of heavy support from the Government, overall, the article left me with no nodding head. Saying that you have to be enrolled in a good school to play Football is rubbish. I mean, really? Have you been to Bacolod? Have you been to Davao or Dumaguete?  Also, football can be played if you have less than 11 players a side and it can most certainly  be played without the "expensive shoes". Clearly this guy doesn't know the sport very well or has no love for the game for him to understand it better. It's just sad.  

Thank goodness for people that love and understand the game as much as I do.  I found this article and have to say that I share the same sentiments with him. I  like what he said about how Football is a simple sport and "The only time a normal person plays in a 21 man, expensive shoe, two hour football game is if he is playing it competitively and professionally."
Football can be played by every Juan. You can play it with a buddy or with the barkada. It does not discriminate height which is perfect for Juans cause we are not giants! Any Juan can play this sport and it can be as enjoyable as any other sport we Filipinos love. Personally, I think Basketball is a game for show. Puro yabangan. What most of the players have become: bloating, glory hogs whose playing area is just 1/8 of a Football field. Come on.

If it helps you to take in more the concept of Football for Juan, you should know PAULINO ALCANTARA.

Paulino Alcantara was born in Iloilo in 1896 and is the highest goal scorer in FC Barcelona's History with 357 goals and 357 games. He is also the youngest player ever to make it to the senior team!

"Paulino Alcántara is considered one of Barca’s legendary players because of his goal scoring exploits. He lacked the build of a stereotypical athlete, but he possessed the killer instincts of a matador. This offensive machine knew where the goal was and often made sure that the ball was in it." - FC Barcelona website

He became a legend even before Ronaldo, Beckham, Cannavaro and David Villa!  
He's a football superstar and he is Filipino.

Football is the perfect game for Filipinos...many Juans just don't know it yet.

Joga Bonito!

Some good reads about Juans and soccer:

Listening to: Hello Operator's The Breaks Album

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