
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Some Facts About My Toys & My Hair

This is by far my favorite illustration of my 9 year old self (not that I had plenty).
Unlike some of my illustrations, this comes with a background story~

Toy Joys
I’m an introvert…of sorts. I’d almost always choose to play by myself than be with kids around the neighborhood. My parents, knowing this is a fact, surrounded me with tons of stuffed animals and dolls, trucks and bikes, miniature house appliances, coloring sheets  and storybooks. I realize now that by playing alone, it lead to me to imagine worlds where I am ruler, plan battles of the plushies against the plastics, come up with cuisines only I know the secret ingredients of and go around the world in my super trike. I was on top of my world. I was anyone/anything I wanted to be. It was bliss…until I had to clean up and put away all my toys.

Hair Cares
I’ve never done anything to my hair except shampoo it, blow dry it and sometimes iron it. My hair has yet to taste straightening solution and hair dye. I guess I really like my hair wavy. Though most of the time it looks messy and untamed, I always reason out that it is like that because it’s curly. You should have known my Grade 3 teacher who hated my hair.  HATED, I say! When end of the quarter arrived and parents came in for students’ evaluations, my teacher didn’t mention how average my grades were or how my behavior in class was, she also didn’t say anything against me except for my messy hair.  
“Corrine always has messy hair!”, teacher says.
My father didn’t really care much, but from that day on, my mother never missed a day to remind me to comb my hair. You see, even if you comb my hair or not, it will be in the same state when it dries. Let us remember this is when I was in the third grade and at that time, I never owned a hair dryer nor bothered to have a personal maid address my hair problems and have it straightened every day after morning baths. Combing my hair: it is madness.

The thing about my toys and my hair is that they give me so much inspiration when it comes to my illustrations (you can prolly see it on the next illustrations that I'll be sharing). For the meanwhile, the drawing you see on top of this page is an illustration I made as a shirt design. Wouldn't it be an awesome tee?

Cool beans,

Listening to: The Temper Trap, Conditions Album
☮ Wearing my "Pambahay" Coke shirt

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